What is a collocation? Collocation means a natural combination of words; it refers to the way English words are closely associated with each other. For example, do and homework go together, as do make and mistakes; tall goes with man/woman and high with mountain. Why learn collocations? You need to learn collocations because they will help you to speak and write English in a more natural and accurate way. People will probably understand what you mean if you talk about ‘making your homework’ or say ‘My uncle is a very high man’ but your language will sound unnatural and might perhaps confuse. Did you mean that your uncle is two metres tall or did you mean that he has a high position in government or business? Learning collocations will also help you to increase your range of English vocabulary. For example, you’ll find it easier to avoid words like very or nice or beautiful or get by choosing a word that fits the context better and has a more precise meaning. This is particularly useful if you are taking a written exam in English and want to make a good impression on the examiners.